Meet Chrissie- Owner & Manager

Hi, I’m Chrissie, and firstly I am a proud wifey and mum of 2 boys (4, and 1.5yrs).

I’m passionate about a few things. Family, animals, unstructured outdoor play (nature play and beyond), and getting families and young people outdoors.

I used to be a classroom teacher, zookeeper, mobile wildlife presenter, snorkel guide, and had random other jobs. I like variety!

My boys and I love going exploring on mini- adventures, and we can often be seen making a mess outside and playing in our red dirt at Cabarlah. How lovely was all the rain late last year for outdoor play?!

Right now (March 2023), I’m starting Playful By Nature while working part-time in Environmental Education. So bear with me as I get things going as soon as I can, within my limits. I’m really excited for where this could go, and have a lot of ideas that will come, in time. For now, I’m working hard to set things up right, so that you can have full confidence during our sessions- knowing that your kids are safe and supported in the natural playground of wherever we are.

Please Note: My own children often join me at sessions (usually with support).


You can book sessions with us, knowing you are in good hands.

I am ALWAYS learning, and I have worked with children most of my adult life, sometimes animals and kids together (I didn’t listen to the advice of never working with kids and animals). I thrive on getting to know children, learning what makes them tick, building on their interests, and being a playmate and co-learner. The energy and joy that kids bring to the world is perfection.

In 2020 I did Bush Kindy Leader Training through Nature Play QLD. This really opened my eyes to the possibility of a truly child-led, nature-based session where children are actually free to play (with ALL the benefits this comes with), make decisions, learn consequences, and learn all those bigger picture skills like risk-intelligence, resilience and problem-solving.

So come along, reach out and contact me, and find your natural village.