Frequently asked questions

  • Will my child get dirty?

    This is COMPLETELY optional, based on your child. Some kids love getting sensory in dirt, mulch, mud, water, paint, bark, clay, sand, whatever is available really. Others don't.

    Our role is to encourage a range of experiences. Children are really good at seeking out what their body needs. Bring a spare pair of clothes in case, for the trip home, and don't wear your best clothes if you know your child often likes being messy.

    Please note, not all sessions have access to mud and water play.


    Unfortunately no, we are not a government approved Kindy provider. It’s mainly called Bush Kindy because of the age of children it is designed for, in a bush setting.

    The skills your child will learn with us are very practical- including fine and gross motor, communication, problem solving, resilience and an appreciation for nature. Therefore there are some overlaps to a Kindy provider.

    However, if you are looking for a government approved Kindergarten program, our local C& K is amazing, otherwise look into local daycare centres or schools.