playful kids

(CHange project)

Introducing Playful Kids

We have partnered with the Toowoomba Regional Council’s award-winning Change Project, which provides residents with access to low-cost activities, encouraging everyone to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.


Time: 9.30-10.30am

Day: Last Friday of the month (usually).

Age: aimed at 0-6years

Non-drop off program (must have accompanying adult/s)

Price: $5 per child

Location: Peacehaven Park, 56 Kuhls Road, Highfields


This monthly Playful Kids session will vary each time, but could involve outdoor learning, sensory activities, nature play, rope and water play, nature crafts, stories and rhymes, mindfulness and nature appreciation.

Both the young, and young at heart can come along and make friends, improve mental and physical health, get some Vitamin ‘N’ and sunshine.

Let’s help our kids build a strong foundation during the most impressionable years of their life, creating connected, capable and confident children alongside the most nurturing mother of all, mother nature.